Sunday 21 October 2012

What is is a live stream that allows conversation among students. Instead of sharing ideas orally in the classroom, this website offers a virtual room for your students to share and discuss their opinions among themselves and you.

How to start with

It's involved THREE SIMPLE STEPS: 

1) NAME A ROOM. For example, teacher might name the room according to the subject. 
2) DECIDE THE DURATION.Teacher can choose the duration  of room data will be saved. 
3) CREATE YOUR ROOM. Just click on 'Create your room’ button, and you're ready to go! 

Advantages of
1. FREE !! It is  a free website. Teachers just need to create a room for students to join. Simple, right?
2. Offers opportunity for PASSIVE students to be ACTIVE in class discussion.
3. A NEW WAY of sharing ideas. This may trigger students’ interest to participate in the class discussion.
4. The room can last for A YEAR. Students can revise their discussion within a year.
5. Promotes PAIR WORK. Students can discuss ideas with their partner before share   them on the room.

Disadvantages of
  • Redundancy in giving ideas.
  • Students need to have computers.
  • Needs a good internet connection.
  • Students might be more interesting in surfing other websites rather than focussing on the topic of discussion.

So, don't forget to visit

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