Friday 30 November 2012


What is Dvolver ?

Dvolver is a website of online moviemaker .  This website allows students to create their own moviemaker! Its is so EASY for students to make their own online moviemaker ! Students just need to choose beautiful background and suitable characters before creating their own dialogue.

Easy steps to produce your own Dvolver :

1. Go to dvolver website,
2. Choose background  and a sky for your moviemaker  ( e.g romantic bubble  and psychedelic )
3. Select a plot .
4. Choose characters for your dialogue !
5. Put in your dialogue into the characters
6. Choose the title for your moviemaker.
7. Your moviemaker is ready ! You can email it to your teacher

How Dvolver promotes language learning ?

1. MOTIVATING . The visual effect of Dvolver may attract students to learn English.
2. Enhance students sociolingusitic competence. Students may choose suitable background and characters for their dialogue.
3. AUTONOMOUS LEARNING. Students can create their own moviemaker. They make the decision to decide the background, plot and characters for their dialogue. In addition, students may also create dvolver during their free time.

Advantages :

1. FUN. It is a fun way to visualize your dialogue.
2. COLOURFUL. The background and characters are colourful which can stimulate students interest to create their own moviemaker.
3. Can be shared. Students can send their dvolver to the teacher. They can also embed this moviemaker on their blog.
3. This website is FREE ! * NO hidden charges.

Disadvantages :

1. Limited background and sky . There are just few numbers of backgrounds and skies that students can choose. The backgrounds and skies available may not suitable for students' dialogue. This may demotivate students to create their own moviemaker.

2. Several characters are inappropriate for the students. For  example, there is a character of topless man which is not suitable for students. There is also the character of a cowboy girl with inappropriate dress code.

3. Limited dialogue. Each character is only limited to three exchanges.

4. Could not add tour own voice. In my opinion, this moviemaker would be more interesting if students can add on their voice to the characters.

5. Limited movie title design. There are just four movie title designs for students to choose.

P/S : Teachers , you can check on my dvolver given which entitled ' a pleasant surprise ' .